Golden Chanterelle
Late July through Late December
The most plentiful of all Pacific Northwest mushrooms, chanterelles are found throughout our Douglas fir forests and have a nice apricot scent and distinctive yellow color. A favorite of both home and professional chefs, this mushroom is as ubiquitous in the forest as it is in the kitchen. The early buttons are great pickled or gently sauteed. As the season progresses, the larger mushrooms are well suited for roasting and soups.
White Chanterelle
Early August through late October
This underappreciated chanterelle typically grows in sandy soils, especially near our volcanoes. It is much larger and firmer than its golden cousins but very similar in flavor; its white flesh is the only telltale difference. Delicious roasted with root vegetables, under a chicken or in a pasta dish.
Lobster Mushroom
Late July through late October
The lobster mushroom actually refers to a bright orange-red mold that attacks its host, a common type of Russula. The mold magically transforms this ordinarily insipid mushroom into a culinary prize, giving it a meaty texture and almost toasted shellfish-like flavor. Lobsters grows quite large with a firm texture and are best roasted, grilled or braised with a splash of marsala.
Early September through mid November
Known the Pine Mushroom, matsutakes are highly prized in Japan, sometimes selling for hundreds of dollars per pound. Here they are found near all of the Pacific Northwest volcanoes. With its distinct cinnamon flavor and aroma, they are best in broth, with rice, steamed dishes or shaved thinly over pasta. Our matsutake is sold in varying grades. The most prized Matsutake is completely closed gilled and then graded down to those that are fully opened.
Fried Chicken Mushroom
Early September through late October
This clustering gilled mushroom prefers disturbed areas of our forests. It has small brown caps, a long white stem and a mild flavor. Superior to its now cultivated cousins they lend themselves well to stir fries, tempura, and roasting.
Cauliflower Mushroom
Early September through late October
Found growing at the base of conifers, the cauliflower mushroom is one of the largest edibles, often growing to twenty pounds. It has a ruffled cream flesh and a very distinct, floral aroma. Despite its delicate appearance, cauliflowers withstand cooking very well and work as an excellent noodle substitute. It is excellent in soups or braised with shallot and hard cider. Emerging research suggests it has strong immune-enhancing and anti-tumoral properties.
Fall King Bolete
Early September through early November
There are two distinct types of “porcini” harvested each fall. The first from the Cascades, are firmer and have a more pronounced, nutty flavor. Emerging later in the fall, the Coastal Boletes are softer, have a lighter colored cap and are milder in flavor, a slight salty flavor is detectable. In Europe, people go crazy for porcini for good reason: its nutty flavor and tender texture makes it superb in nearly every preparation. Both fall varietes are slighly less dense then their spring cousins wich lend themselves better for roasting whole and in fillings.
Saffron Milky Cap
Early October through early November
This colorful mushroom’s Latin name is due to its propensity to bleed red latex when cut, its reddish-orange color changing to green once picked. In Europe, especially Spain, it is prized for its crisp texture and rich flavor that pairs well with game meats and mussels. We harvest small young mushrooms before their cap flutes open. They are an excellent pickled mushroom but also do well roasted or sauteed.
Bearshead Tooth
Early October through early November
A beautiful mushroom composed of clusters of white icicle-like flesh, or teeth, that grows on decaying fir logs. Often forming large clusters, they are a treat to find and eat. It has a delicate mild flavor and interesting texture that is best lightly oiled and roasted until crisp. They are also wonderful fried in a tempura batter.
Honey Mushroom
Mid September through early October
This yellowish-brown gilled mushroom, which grows in clusters at the base of Douglas fir trees, has a mild pleasing flavor. They are the most similar wild mushroom we have to Shiitake which are not native to North America and can be used in similar cooking preparations.
Hawks Wing
Mid September through late October
Found in the higher Cascade meadows, this brown mushroom has a scaly top and teeth under its cap. Also called a Chocolate Hedgehog, its rich flavor hints at nutmeg and black pepper.
Fresh Mushrooms
All fresh mushrooms upon receiving should be kept refrigerated preferably in a brown paper bag to keep them from drying out too excessively. We suggest washing all wild mushrooms but some varieties especially during dry times of year can be simply brushed off with a pastry brush. For washing we suggest submerging in a bowl of water, sloshing them around to help remove any debris, then removing from water and putting in a strainer to remove excessive liquid. Thereafter it is good to let them air dry completely before preparing. This process should only be done day of cooking to retain their freshness. Most wild mushrooms should be used within 3 days but some varieties like chanterelle and hedgehogs have longer shelf lives.