The key to this flavor packed dish is quick cooking and high heat. Those two elements ensure the actual blistering of the tomatoes, and that the fiddleheads keep their succulent texture. I plated this on a bed of eggplant puree and served it with some slow roasted lamb, and nettle flatbreads, but I could see it being equally good over a bed of rice.
Ladyfern fiddleheads, trimmed, blanched, shocked and drained.
olive oil
small cherry tomatoes
garlic, shallots, and fresh chili, chopped fine.
sherry vinegar
a hearty amount of chopped herbs. I used parsley, wild fennel, dill, and scallions. Don’t be afraid of adding too much, really go for it!
In a large sauté pan, heat a generous amount of olive oil over med-high heat. Add your cherry tomatoes and let them sit until the skin starts to blister and pop open (this will take a few minutes). Add the chopped garlic, shallots and chili to the pan and stir things around, allowing the other sides of the tomatoes to blister. Once the garlic and shallots start to brown, add the fiddleheads and give everything a good toss. Add a shot of vinegar, toss in the herbs, and season with salt. Turn off the heat and plate. Add more herbs to the top of the finished plate if you like for presentation.